What comes to mind when you hear the word “hacker?” For most people, it is probably a picture of some nefarious person in a dark room stealing your sensitive information. While all hackers do not have righteous intentions, the hacking landscape has changed completely in the last several years.
Companies and organizations now employ hackers to conduct what are called penetration tests to see where their digital data may be vulnerable. Any hacker worth their salt already has some tricks up their sleeve, but there are some useful new tools out there, too. Check out our list of the top 15 tools every hacker needs to maximize their success.
- John the Ripper
This is infamous as one of the most frequently used and effective password crackers on the market. Conversely, it is also known as one of the best tools to test the strength of your own passwords, as well as the strength and safety of your operating system, even remotely.
One of the most appealing features of John the Ripper is that it has been built with the ability to auto-detect any type of encryption used in any password. It changes its algorithm according to the password it is testing, making it the most intelligent and intuitive password cracking technology available.
If that weren’t enough, John the Ripper is also available across almost all platforms, including Android, Mac, Linux, and Windows.
John the Ripper is dubbed as an “ethical hacking tool,” but unabashedly uses brute force to reach its goal of deciphering algorithms and passwords, such as:
- Hash LM (Lan Manager), the system used in Windows NT / 2000 / XP / 2003
- DES, MD5, Blowfish
- MD4, LDAP, MySQL (using third-party modules)
- Kerberos AFS
- InstaRipper
It was developed with the prolific Instagrammer in mind. If you have been locked out of your Instagram account, InstaRipper is here to help you not only recover your password, but your Continue reading “Top 15 Hacking Tools Every Hacker Should Have in Their Collection”